Las Cruces Publis Schools Calendar
Las Cruces public schools seeking community volunteers for budget survey committee
LAS CRUCES, N.M. — Las Cruces Public Schools seeks community volunteers to serve on a Budget Survey Committee for the upcoming fiscal year.

The committee is responsible for reviewing data collected from LCPS’s budget survey to the community.
The survey results will then be presented to the Finance Subcommittee for consideration in November and will be disseminated to stakeholders in December.

Data from the survey will also be part of the LCPS Budget Town Hall meetings.
A total of 16 people will be selected, including four people from LCPS administration, four certified staff, and four classified staff and four parents.
Committee members will be required to participate in three meetings, offered virtually and at the Dr. Karen M. Trujillo Administration Complex
The deadline to apply for the committee is the close of business on Thursday, Sept. 21.
Committee members will then be randomly drawn from qualified applicants on Friday, Sept. 22.
To apply you can click here.
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