Year At A Glance Printable Template
Year At A Glance Ongoing/Monthly Timesheet submission (9th & 24th of every month) All employees January Open enrollment: FLSA overtime election (Jan. 9) Non-exempt employees New leave year begins (Jan. 10) Benefit-eligible employees New leave year begins (Jan. 16) Hourly employees meeting requirements Securian group life insurance rate changes (Jan. 16) Benefit-eligible employees Securian optional life insurance rate changes (Jan. 16) Benefit-eligible employees Tax statements: Receive W-2 (by Jan. 31) All employees February Receive total compensation letter by late February Benefit-eligible employees March Training: EPAFs for faculty summer research Hiring officials Performance assessment period begins mid-March Benefit-eligible employees April
Notification: open enrollment for health insurance and flexible spending accounts

Benefit-eligible employees
Graduating student worker announcements begin (mid-month)

Hiring officials
Previous ACA year ends (April 30)

Non-benefit eligible employees

New ACA year begins (May 1)
Non-benefit eligible employees
Open enrollment: health insurance and flexible spending accounts (early May)
Benefit-eligible employees
Training: EPAFs for graduate assistants Hiring officials July Open enrollment: FLSA overtime election (July 9) Non-exempt employees Faculty & Staff Convocation – Service awards (TBD) All employees Notification: new leave eligibility (July 16) Hourly employees meeting requirements New sick leave year begins for W&M Sickness and Disability Plan participants (July 25) Faculty, Professionals, and Professional Faculty August Applications due for W&M Supervisor’s Institute (TBD) Supervisors New faculty benefits orientation (Aug. 16) Faculty September W&M Supervisor’s Institute begins (TBD) Supervisors Flu shot clinic offered (Fall) All employees October Notification: Age 26 dependent removal (Oct. 1) Benefit-eligible employees Notification: Age 65 Medicare eligibility (Oct. 1) Benefit-eligible employees Employee Resource Exposition (TBD)
All employees
Notification: leave carryover and unused annual leave balances
Benefit-eligible employees
Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign begins (Nov. 1)
All employees
November Open enrollment: Legal Resources (Nov. 10) Benefit-eligible employees December Notification: new Payroll Processing Calendar released All employees Review new IRS limits and contributions for 457 and 403b plans Benefit-eligible & hourly employees Notification: sign up for electronic tax statements and review mailing address information in Self-Service All employees